Impact Acquire SDK C++
Images Cannot Be Loaded Or Saved By The Impact Acquire API Nor Loaded By The VirtualDevice Library


A DMR_LIBRARY_NOT_FOUND (-2125) error is returned in one of the following situations:

  • When trying to save images by using the save() method of the Request-class (TIF, JPEG PNG)
  • When trying to save or load images using Impact Control Center (TIF, JPEG and PNG)
  • When trying to capture images from a directory using an instance of the VirtualDevice even though the image directory is valid and contains supported image file formats. Instead of the images stored on the hard disk in the specified folder, images containing a moving grey ramp will be returned instead.


Since the internal migration from Visual Studio 2013 to Visual Studio 2019 in Impact Acquire version 2.50.0, the Visual Studio 2013 redistributable packages required by the FreeImage library are no longer shipped as part of the Impact Acquire framework installation packageAfter. So unless a matching version of the OpenMP runtime hasn't been installed on the target system by another package, the FreeImage.dll version 3.16.0 cannot be loaded due to missing dependencies.

