Impact Acquire SDK C++
Locating Runtime Libraries

The following table shows where to find files belonging to the Impact Acquire framework on a target machine where the framework has been installed.

The variable MVIMPACT_ACQUIRE_DIR here refers to the root directory of the original dmg file.
Library ARM64
libmvDeviceManager.dylib.3.5.0 "$MVIMPACT_ACQUIRE_DIR/lib/arm64-cross"
libmvGenTLConsumer.dylib.3.5.0 "$MVIMPACT_ACQUIRE_DIR/lib/arm64-cross"
libmvGenTLProducer.dylib.3.5.0 "$MVIMPACT_ACQUIRE_DIR/lib/arm64-cross"
libmvImageProcessing.dylib.3.5.0 "$MVIMPACT_ACQUIRE_DIR/lib/arm64-cross"
libmvPropHandling.dylib.3.5.0 "$MVIMPACT_ACQUIRE_DIR/lib/arm64-cross"
libmvVirtualDevice.dylib.3.5.0 "$MVIMPACT_ACQUIRE_DIR/lib/arm64-cross"
  • The version number of the files in the list might differ as this table lists the latest version available.
  • Various symbolic links might be required on the target system as well pointing from
    • libXYZ.dylib.3 to libXYZ.dylib.3.5.0
    • libXYZ.dylib to libXYZ.dylib.3
    • mvGenTLProducer.cti to libmvGenTLProducer.dylib