Impact Acquire SDK C++
USB2 Devices
This section applies to all BVS CA-UB1, BVS CA-MLC, BVS CA-IGC and mvBlueFOX devices.
  • mvBlueFOX.dll can be copied somewhere in the systems path or into the applications directory
More information about locations of libraries within the standard installation is summarized at Locating Runtime Libraries.

The files belonging to the kernel driver correctly signed for the target platform:

  • amvBlueFOX2.inf must be copied into the Windows® inf folder
  • mvBlueFOX2.sys must be copied into the Windows® drivers folder
  • (signed catalog file for the mvBlueFOX2.sys module)
The leading 'a' in the file name amvBlueFOX2.inf is NOT a mistake. The reason for this strange file name is that Windows 2000 by default uses the first *.inf-file in an alphabetical search that matches the detected device. As previous versions of this driver package contained 2 versions of the kernel driver, the 'older' versions *.inf-files name was mvBlueFOX.inf and in order to install the newer version of the kernel driver as a default driver the new *.inf-file must be found before the old one as Windows does not list all available drivers but only the first one detected.

The kernel driver files should be installed BEFORE connecting the device to the target system the first time as then Windows automatically detects the driver.

*.cat files can't just be copied into some system specific directory. Please refer to the corresponding documentation by Microsoft.

In addition to this a Windows® driver framework co-installer is needed. This file must be copied into the Windows® system (system32) folder. Both the 32-bit and the 64-bit version of the driver need 'WdfCoinstaller01009.dll' for the driver installation. If the co-installer is not present on the target system they must be copied as well.

Experienced users are encouraged to use the Microsoft Driver Install Framework for applications to deploy this driver on the target system ( This is the recommended way for installing device drivers.

These files alone will correctly install the mvBlueFOX as a recognized device on the target system. However to access the device from any kind of application the base libraries for the Impact Acquire interface will be needed as well.