Impact Acquire SDK C++
Camera Description Files Support (Frame Grabbers) (deprecated)
The last minor release containing frame grabber related Impact Acquire packages was version 2.47.0. If frame grabber boards are part of the application the last released package for these boards can be mixed with newer releases of other Impact Acquire up to version 3.0.0. Mixing 2.x installations with 3.x and higher installations will not be supported. See Migrating Applications To Impact Acquire 3.0.0 And Higher as well! Frame grabber board packages have entered maintenance mode!

If your application shall be able to work with camera description files and does NOT modify the property mvIMPACT::acquire::Device::customDataDirectory before initialising the device one of the following directories must be created on the target system:

All camera description files that shall be used by the application must be installed into the folder CameraFiles in order to be recognized by the driver.