Impact Acquire SDK C++
To run an application that has been built using the Impact Acquire framework all user mode libraries belonging to the framework must be located in the library search path of the application using it. The minimal list of libraries that must be present when working with the Impact Acquire frame work consists of
A detailed list of the files and settings needed to deploy an Impact Acquire device driver can be found in the chapter Installation From Private Setup Routines.
When an application that has been developed for 32-bit Windows shall be deployed on a 64-bit version of Windows some extra work might be necessary. On 64-bit Windows there can be both 32- and 64-bit user code but only 64-bit kernel code. To deploy an application on 64-bit Windows there are therefore 2 ways to go:
Even when the latter method is used no extra work is needed when using Impact Acquire as all the packages for 64-bit include the 32-bit user mode code as well.