Impact Acquire SDK C

The CaptureToUserMemory program is based on the ContinuousCapture example. It consists of 4 steps which demonstrate image acquisition and display using different acquisition memory mechanisms. Impact Acquire can either automatically allocate and manage capture memory or if needed can directly acquire into user supplied memory.

Program location
The source file CaptureToUserMemory.c can be found under:
If you have installed the package without example applications, this file will not be available. On Windows® the sample application can be installed or removed from the target system at any time by simply restarting the installation package.
CaptureToUserMemory example:
  1. Opens a Balluff device.
  2. Snaps images continuously.
Console Output
[0]: BF000306 (mvBlueFOX-202C, Family: mvBlueFOX, interface layout: DeviceSpecific)

Please enter the number in front of the listed device followed by [ENTER] to open it: 0
Using device number 0.
Initialising the device. This might take some time...
The device will try to capture continuously into memory automatically allocated by the device driver.
This is the default behaviour.
Press [ENTER] to end the continuous acquisition.
Info from BF000306: FramesPerSecond: 28.655669, ErrorCount: 0, CaptureTime_s: 0.104219

The device will now try to capture continuously into user supplied memory.
Press [ENTER] to end the continuous acquisition.
Info from BF000306: FramesPerSecond: 28.652999, ErrorCount: 0, CaptureTime_s: 0.104366

The device will try to capture continuously into memory automatically allocated by the device driver again.
This is the default behaviour.
Press [ENTER] to end the continuous acquisition.
Info from BF000306: FramesPerSecond: 28.653142, ErrorCount: 0, CaptureTime_s: 0.104201

Now the device will try to capture one frame into a specific user supplied buffer
Capture into specific user supplied buffer done.
Press [ENTER] to end the application...
How it works

The continuous acquisition part is similar to the ExampleApplications_section_Continuous sample. After you have entered the number of the device and pressed [ENTER], the device will be initialized and a window to display the captured images is created:

captureParams.hDisp = mvDispWindowCreate( "CaptureToUserMemory sample(plain 'C')" );
pDisp = mvDispWindowGetDisplayHandle( captureParams.hDisp );
mvDispWindowShow( captureParams.hDisp );
TDisp *MV_DISPLAY_API_CALL mvDispWindowGetDisplayHandle(HDISP hDisp)
Returns a pointer to the internal object used for displaying the image data.
Definition mvDisplayWindow.cpp:353
HDISP MV_DISPLAY_API_CALL mvDispWindowCreate(const char *title)
Creates a new display window object.
Definition mvDisplayWindow.cpp:382
void MV_DISPLAY_API_CALL mvDispWindowShow(HDISP hDisp)
Shows the display window.
Definition mvDisplayWindow.cpp:436
In this user memory managed step, waitFor will return as fast as possible. No "real" image will be taken but a request object that contains a dummy image with the format. Dimensions and other information will be returned. This is (apart from the pixel data) similar to any "real" image that would be captured with the current settings.

When capturing into a certain buffer a request number "REQUEST_TO_USE" (zero based) for this acquisition is used, thus we haves to make sure that there are at least 'REQUEST_TO_USE + 1' requests:

if( getPropI( captureParams.hRequestCount, 0 ) < REQUEST_TO_USE )
setPropI( captureParams.hRequestCount, REQUEST_TO_USE + 1, 0 );
allocateRequests( &captureParams );

To associate a user supplied buffer with this request, you have to do the following:

result = DMR_ImageRequestConfigure( captureParams.hDrv, REQUEST_TO_USE, 0, 0 );
MVDMR_API TDMR_ERROR DMR_CALL DMR_ImageRequestConfigure(HDRV hDrv, int requestNr, int reserved, void *pReserved)
Sets a request into configuration mode.
Definition mvDeviceManager.cpp:2532

Next, you have to define that "REQUEST_TO_USE" is used for the next acquisition:

setPropI( captureParams.hRequestControl_RequestToUse, REQUEST_TO_USE, 0 );

And then capture the image:

result = DMR_ImageRequestSingle( captureParams.hDrv, 0, &requestUsed );
MVDMR_API TDMR_ERROR DMR_CALL DMR_ImageRequestSingle(HDRV hDrv, int requestCtrl, int *pRequestUsed)
Sends an image request to the device driver.
Definition mvDeviceManager.cpp:2663

Now, you have to wait for the result:

result = DMR_ImageRequestWaitFor( captureParams.hDrv, -1, 0, &requestNr );
MVDMR_API TDMR_ERROR DMR_CALL DMR_ImageRequestWaitFor(HDRV hDrv, int timeout_ms, int queueNr, int *pRequestNr)
Waits for a request object to become ready.
Definition mvDeviceManager.cpp:2767

You can check, if the request contains a valid image and display it:

result = DMR_GetImageRequestResultEx( hDrv, requestNr, &ReqRes, sizeof(ReqRes), 0, 0 );
if( ( result == DMR_NO_ERROR ) && ( ReqRes.result == rrOK ) )
if( ( result = DMR_GetImageRequestBuffer( hDrv, requestNr, &pIB ) ) == DMR_NO_ERROR )
// display the captured image
mvDispSetImage( pDisp, pIB->vpData, pIB->iWidth, pIB->iHeight, pIB->pChannels[0].iPixelPitch*8, pIB->pChannels[0].iLinePitch );
mvDispUpdate( pDisp );
The function call was executed successfully.
Definition mvDriverBaseEnums.h:2603
@ rrOK
This image request has been processed successfully.
Definition mvDriverBaseEnums.h:4563
MVDMR_API TDMR_ERROR DMR_CALL DMR_GetImageRequestBuffer(HDRV hDrv, int requestNr, ImageBuffer **ppBuffer)
Returns the ImageBuffer of the desired request.
Definition mvDeviceManager.cpp:3732
MVDMR_API TDMR_ERROR DMR_CALL DMR_GetImageRequestResultEx(HDRV hDrv, int requestNr, RequestResult *pResult, size_t resultSize, int reserved, int reserved2)
Retrieves the RequestResult of the desired request.
Definition mvDeviceManager.cpp:4844
void MV_DISPLAY_API_CALL mvDispSetImage(TDisp *pDisp, const void *pData, int width, int height, int bitsPerPixel, int pitch)
Sets the next image to display.
Definition mvDisplay.cpp:345
void MV_DISPLAY_API_CALL mvDispUpdate(TDisp *pDisp)
Immediately redraws the current image.
Definition mvDisplay.cpp:404

Finally, if you press [ENTER], the image window will be destroyed and the device will be closed.

Source code
* @description: Example applications for Impact Acquire
* @copyright: Copyright (C) 2009 - 2023 Balluff GmbH
* @authors: APIs and drivers development team at Balluff GmbH
* @initial date: 2009-10-26
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#include <apps/Common/exampleHelper_C.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <mvDeviceManager/Include/mvDeviceManager.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
# include <conio.h>
# include <mvDisplay/Include/mvDisplayExtensions.h>
# include <mvDisplay/Include/mvDisplayWindow.h>
# include <process.h>
# include <windows.h>
# define USE_MV_DISPLAY_LIB // only available for Windows
# define LIVE_LOOP_CALL __stdcall
#elif defined(linux) || defined(__linux) || defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__)
# include <unistd.h>
# if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__powerpc64__) || defined(__aarch64__)// -m64 makes GCC define __powerpc64__
typedef uint64_t UINT_PTR;
# elif defined(__i386__) || defined(__arm__) || defined(__powerpc__) // and -m32 __powerpc__
typedef uint32_t UINT_PTR;
# else
# error unsupported target platform
# endif
# error unsupported target platform
#endif // #ifdef _WIN32
#define BUF_SIZE (512) // should always be enough, but could be done nicer by checking if buffer too small is returned from a function and then perform a re-allocation...
static int s_boTerminated = 0;
//================= Data type definitions =====================================
// the buffer we pass to the device driver must be aligned according to its requirements
// As we can't allocate aligned heap memory we will align it 'by hand'
typedef struct _UserSuppliedHeapBuffer
char* pBuf_;
char* pBufAligned_;
int bufSize_;
int alignment_;
void* pNext_;
void* pPrev_;
} UserSuppliedHeapBuffer;
typedef struct _Request
HOBJ hImageData_;
HOBJ hImageFooterSize_;
HOBJ hImageMemoryMode_;
HOBJ hImageSize_;
int nr_;
} Request;
typedef struct _CaptureParameter
HDRV hDrv;
HDISP hDisp;
TDisp* pDisp;
#endif // #ifdef USE_MV_DISPLAY_LIB
Request** ppRequests;
size_t requestCount;
UserSuppliedHeapBuffer* pFirstHeapBuffer;
HOBJ hRequestCount;
HOBJ hFramesPerSecond;
HOBJ hCaptureBufferAlignment;
HOBJ hRequestControl_Mode;
HOBJ hRequestControl_RequestToUse;
int boUserSuppliedMemoryUsed;
} CaptureParameter;
//================= function declarations =====================================
int isPowerOfTwo( int val );
// functions working with a 'UserSuppliedHeapBuffer' struct
UserSuppliedHeapBuffer* UserSuppliedHeapBuffer_Alloc( int bufSize, int alignment );
void UserSuppliedHeapBuffer_Free( UserSuppliedHeapBuffer* p );
void UserSuppliedHeapBuffer_Insert( UserSuppliedHeapBuffer* p, UserSuppliedHeapBuffer* pAfter );
void UserSuppliedHeapBuffer_Remove( UserSuppliedHeapBuffer* p );
// functions working with a 'Request' struct
Request* Request_Alloc( HDRV hDrv, int nr );
void Request_Free( Request* p );
int Request_IsValid( Request* p );
// functions for handling user supplied buffers attached to requests
void checkCaptureBufferAddress( const Request* const pRequest, int boShouldContainUserSuppliedMemory, const UserSuppliedHeapBuffer* pFirstBuffer );
int createCaptureBuffers( CaptureParameter* pCaptureParameters, int bufferSize, int bufferAlignment );
void freeCaptureBuffers( CaptureParameter* pCaptureParameters );
// functions for handling requests
void allocateRequests( CaptureParameter* captureParams );
void freeRequests( CaptureParameter* captureParams );
// functions for controlling the acquisition
void captureLoop( CaptureParameter* pCaptureParams );
int isPowerOfTwo( int val )
return ( ( ( val & ( val - 1 ) ) == 0 ) && ( val > 0 ) );
UserSuppliedHeapBuffer* UserSuppliedHeapBuffer_Alloc( int bufSize, int alignment )
UserSuppliedHeapBuffer* p = ( UserSuppliedHeapBuffer* )calloc( 1, sizeof( UserSuppliedHeapBuffer ) );
if( p )
p->bufSize_ = bufSize;
p->alignment_ = alignment;
if( bufSize > 0 )
assert( isPowerOfTwo( alignment ) );
p->pBuf_ = ( char* )calloc( 1, bufSize + alignment );
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1400) // is older then Microsoft VS 2005 compiler?
p->pBufAligned_ = ( char* )( ( ( ( UINT_PTR )( p->pBuf_ ) + alignment - 1 ) & ( UINT_MAX - ( alignment - 1 ) ) ) );
#elif defined(_WIN32) && defined(__BORLANDC__) // is Borland C++ Builder?
p->pBufAligned_ = ( char* )( ( ( ( UINT_PTR )( p->pBuf_ ) + alignment - 1 ) & ( UINT_MAX - ( alignment - 1 ) ) ) );
p->pBufAligned_ = ( char* )( ( ( ( UINT_PTR )( p->pBuf_ ) + alignment - 1 ) & ( SIZE_MAX - ( alignment - 1 ) ) ) );
#endif // #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1300) // is 'old' Microsoft VC6 compiler?
p->pBuf_ = 0;
p->pBufAligned_ = 0;
p->pNext_ = 0;
p->pPrev_ = 0;
return p;
void UserSuppliedHeapBuffer_Free( UserSuppliedHeapBuffer* p )
if( p )
if( p->pBuf_ )
free( p->pBuf_ );
p->pBuf_ = 0;
free( p );
void UserSuppliedHeapBuffer_Insert( UserSuppliedHeapBuffer* p, UserSuppliedHeapBuffer* pAfter )
if( p )
if( pAfter )
p->pNext_ = pAfter->pNext_;
pAfter->pNext_ = p;
p->pNext_ = 0;
p->pPrev_ = pAfter;
void UserSuppliedHeapBuffer_Remove( UserSuppliedHeapBuffer* p )
if( p )
if( p->pNext_ )
( ( UserSuppliedHeapBuffer* )( p->pNext_ ) )->pPrev_ = p->pPrev_;
if( p->pPrev_ )
( ( UserSuppliedHeapBuffer* )( p->pPrev_ ) )->pNext_ = p->pNext_;
Request* Request_Alloc( HDRV hDrv, int nr )
Request* p = ( Request* )calloc( 1, sizeof( Request ) );
if( p )
p->hImageData_ = getRequestProp( hDrv, nr, "Data" );
p->hImageFooterSize_ = getRequestProp( hDrv, nr, "FooterSize" );
p->hImageMemoryMode_ = getRequestProp( hDrv, nr, "MemoryMode" );
p->hImageSize_ = getRequestProp( hDrv, nr, "Size" );
p->nr_ = nr;
return p;
void Request_Free( Request* p )
if( p )
free( p );
int Request_IsValid( Request* p )
if( ( p->hImageData_ != INVALID_ID ) &&
( p->hImageMemoryMode_ != INVALID_ID ) &&
( p->hImageSize_ != INVALID_ID ) &&
( p->nr_ >= 0 ) )
return 1;
return 0;
/// \brief This function checks whether a buffer returned from an acquisition into a
/// request that has been assigned a user supplied buffer really contains a buffer
/// pointer that has been assigned by the user.
void checkCaptureBufferAddress( const Request* const pRequest, int boShouldContainUserSuppliedMemory, const UserSuppliedHeapBuffer* pFirstBuffer )
void* pAddr = 0;
const UserSuppliedHeapBuffer* pBuffer = pFirstBuffer;
int cnt = 0;
memoryMode = ( TRequestImageMemoryMode )getPropI( pRequest->hImageMemoryMode_, 0 );
if( boShouldContainUserSuppliedMemory && ( memoryMode != rimmUser ) )
printf( "ERROR: Request number %d is supposed to contain user supplied memory, but claims that it doesn't.\n", pRequest->nr_ );
else if( !boShouldContainUserSuppliedMemory )
if( memoryMode == rimmUser )
printf( "ERROR: Request number %d is supposed NOT to contain user supplied memory, but claims that it does.\n", pRequest->nr_ );
pAddr = getPropP( pRequest->hImageData_, 0 );
pBuffer = pFirstBuffer;
while( pBuffer )
if( pAddr == pBuffer->pBufAligned_ )
// found the buffer that has been assigned by the user
pBuffer = pBuffer->pNext_;
printf( "ERROR: A buffer has been returned, that doesn't match any of the buffers assigned as user memory in request number %d.\n", pRequest->nr_ );
printf( "Buffer got: %p.\n", pAddr );
printf( "Buffers allocated:\n" );
pBuffer = pFirstBuffer;
while( pBuffer )
printf( "[%d]: %p.\n", cnt, pBuffer->pBufAligned_ );
cnt = cnt + 1;
int createCaptureBuffers( CaptureParameter* pCaptureParameters, int bufferSize, int bufferAlignment )
size_t i = 0;
UserSuppliedHeapBuffer* pBuffer = 0;
freeCaptureBuffers( pCaptureParameters );
for( i = 0; i < pCaptureParameters->requestCount; i++ )
pBuffer = UserSuppliedHeapBuffer_Alloc( bufferSize, bufferAlignment );
if( pBuffer )
int functionResult = DMR_NO_ERROR;
if( ( functionResult = DMR_ImageRequestConfigure( pCaptureParameters->hDrv, pCaptureParameters->ppRequests[i]->nr_, 0, 0 ) ) != DMR_NO_ERROR )
printf( "An error occurred while setting request number %d in configuration mode: %s.\n", pCaptureParameters->ppRequests[i]->nr_, DMR_ErrorCodeToString( functionResult ) );
freeCaptureBuffers( pCaptureParameters );
// Also free the buffer just allocated as it has not been added to the list so far!
UserSuppliedHeapBuffer_Free( pBuffer );
return -1;
if( pCaptureParameters->pFirstHeapBuffer )
UserSuppliedHeapBuffer_Insert( pBuffer, pCaptureParameters->pFirstHeapBuffer );
pCaptureParameters->pFirstHeapBuffer = pBuffer;
setPropI( pCaptureParameters->ppRequests[i]->hImageMemoryMode_, rimmUser, 0 );
setPropP( pCaptureParameters->ppRequests[i]->hImageData_, pBuffer->pBufAligned_, 0 );
setPropI( pCaptureParameters->ppRequests[i]->hImageSize_, pBuffer->bufSize_, 0 );
if( ( functionResult = DMR_ImageRequestUnlock( pCaptureParameters->hDrv, pCaptureParameters->ppRequests[i]->nr_ ) ) != DMR_NO_ERROR )
printf( "An error occurred while unlocking request number %d: %s.\n", pCaptureParameters->ppRequests[i]->nr_, DMR_ErrorCodeToString( functionResult ) );
freeCaptureBuffers( pCaptureParameters );
return -1;
return 0;
void freeCaptureBuffers( CaptureParameter* pCaptureParameters )
size_t i = 0;
UserSuppliedHeapBuffer* pBuffer = pCaptureParameters->pFirstHeapBuffer;
for( i = 0; i < pCaptureParameters->requestCount; i++ )
int functionResult = DMR_NO_ERROR;
memoryMode = ( TRequestImageMemoryMode )getPropI( pCaptureParameters->ppRequests[i]->hImageMemoryMode_, 0 );
if( memoryMode != rimmUser )
if( ( functionResult = DMR_ImageRequestConfigure( pCaptureParameters->hDrv, pCaptureParameters->ppRequests[i]->nr_, 0, 0 ) ) != DMR_NO_ERROR )
printf( "An error occurred while setting request number %d in configuration mode: %s.\n", pCaptureParameters->ppRequests[i]->nr_, DMR_ErrorCodeToString( functionResult ) );
setPropI( pCaptureParameters->ppRequests[i]->hImageMemoryMode_, rimmAuto, 0 );
if( ( functionResult = DMR_ImageRequestUnlock( pCaptureParameters->hDrv, pCaptureParameters->ppRequests[i]->nr_ ) ) != DMR_NO_ERROR )
printf( "An error occurred while unlocking request number %d: %s.\n", pCaptureParameters->ppRequests[i]->nr_, DMR_ErrorCodeToString( functionResult ) );
while( pBuffer )
UserSuppliedHeapBuffer* p = pBuffer;
pBuffer = pBuffer->pNext_;
UserSuppliedHeapBuffer_Free( p );
pCaptureParameters->pFirstHeapBuffer = 0;
void allocateRequests( CaptureParameter* captureParams )
size_t i = 0;
freeRequests( captureParams );
captureParams->requestCount = ( size_t )getPropI( captureParams->hRequestCount, 0 );
captureParams->ppRequests = 0;
if( captureParams->requestCount > 0 )
captureParams->ppRequests = ( Request** )( calloc( captureParams->requestCount, sizeof( Request* ) ) );
if( captureParams->ppRequests == 0 )
captureParams->requestCount = 0;
for( i = 0; i < captureParams->requestCount; i++ )
captureParams->ppRequests[i] = Request_Alloc( captureParams->hDrv, ( int )i );
if( captureParams->ppRequests == 0 )
captureParams->requestCount = 0;
void freeRequests( CaptureParameter* captureParams )
size_t i = 0;
if( captureParams->requestCount <= 0 )
for( i = 0; i < captureParams->requestCount; i++ )
Request_Free( captureParams->ppRequests[i] );
free( captureParams->ppRequests );
captureParams->ppRequests = 0;
captureParams->requestCount = 0;
unsigned int LIVE_LOOP_CALL liveLoop( void* pData )
HDRV hDrv;
TDMR_ERROR result;
RequestResult ReqRes;
int frameCount;
double fps;
int requestNr;
int lastRequestNr;
CaptureParameter* pCaptureParameter;
pCaptureParameter = ( ( CaptureParameter* )pData );
hDrv = pCaptureParameter->hDrv;
pIB = 0;
frameCount = 0;
fps = 0.0;
requestNr = -1;
// we always have to keep at least 2 images as the display module might want to repaint the image, thus we
// cannot free it unless we have a assigned the display to a new buffer.
lastRequestNr = -1;
// pre-fill the default capture queue
while( ( result = DMR_ImageRequestSingle( hDrv, 0, 0 ) ) == DMR_NO_ERROR );
printf( "DMR_ImageRequestSingle: Unexpected error(code: %d(%s))\n", result, DMR_ErrorCodeToString( result ) );
manuallyStartAcquisitionIfNeeded( hDrv );
// run thread loop
while( !s_boTerminated )
// please note, that the value stored in the property 'ImageRequestTimeout_ms' specifies the
// maximum time a request will remain in the queue. If no complete image has been taken until
// then, RequestResult.result will contain 'rrTimeout'. It's default value however results in an infinite timeout.
// To change this value in this sample call 'getSettingProp( hDrv, "Base", "ImageRequestTimeout_ms" )'
const int timeout_ms = 500;
int overallTimeWaited_ms = 0;
result = DMR_ImageRequestWaitFor( hDrv, timeout_ms, 0, &requestNr );
if( result == DMR_NO_ERROR )
// check if the request contains a valid image
result = DMR_GetImageRequestResultEx( hDrv, requestNr, &ReqRes, sizeof( ReqRes ), 0, 0 );
if( ( result == DMR_NO_ERROR ) && ( ReqRes.result == rrOK ) )
// display statistical information every 100th image
frameCount = frameCount + 1;
if( ( frameCount % 100 ) == 0 )
OBJ_GetF( pCaptureParameter->hFramesPerSecond, &fps, 0 );
printf( "frames per second: %.5f.\n", fps );
if( ( result = DMR_GetImageRequestBuffer( hDrv, requestNr, &pIB ) ) == DMR_NO_ERROR )
// display the captured image
mvDispSetImageFromImageBuffer( pCaptureParameter->pDisp, pIB );
mvDispUpdate( pCaptureParameter->pDisp );
#endif // #ifdef USE_MV_DISPLAY_LIB
checkCaptureBufferAddress( pCaptureParameter->ppRequests[requestNr], pCaptureParameter->boUserSuppliedMemoryUsed, pCaptureParameter->pFirstHeapBuffer );
printf( "DMR_GetImageRequestBuffer failed(code: %d(%s))\n", result, DMR_ErrorCodeToString( result ) );
// this can happen e.g. when a triggered acquisition timed out (missing trigger signal).
// By default a request does remain in the queue forever, but this can be is changed by changing the
// 'ImageRequestTimeout_ms' property before calling 'DMR_ImageRequestSingle'. If this timeout then elapses and no
// image has been captured, the RequestResult.result parameter will NOT contain 'rrOK' but e.g. 'rrTimeout', but the
// request still needs to be unlocked for the driver as it has been returned to the user.
printf( "DMR_GetImageRequestResult: ERROR! Return value: %d, request result: %d.\n", result, ReqRes.result );
if( lastRequestNr >= 0 )
// this image has been displayed thus the buffer is no longer needed...
DMR_ImageRequestUnlock( hDrv, lastRequestNr );
lastRequestNr = requestNr;
DMR_ImageRequestSingle( hDrv, 0, 0 );
overallTimeWaited_ms += timeout_ms;
printf( "DMR_ImageRequestWaitFor failed(code: %d(%s)), meaning no buffer became ready after %d ms\n", result, DMR_ErrorCodeToString( result ), overallTimeWaited_ms );
printf( "Please note that slow systems or interface technologies in combination with\n" );
printf( "high resolution sensors might need more time to transmit an image in %d ms.\n", timeout_ms );
printf( "If this is the case increase the timeout and rebuild this application or simply wait multiple times.\n" );
printf( "Once the camera is configured for triggered image acquisition and the timeout elapsed\n before the camera has been triggered this might happen as well.\n" );
#if defined(linux) || defined(__linux) || defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__)
s_boTerminated = waitForInput( 0, STDOUT_FILENO ) == 0 ? 0 : 1; // break by STDIN
#endif // #if defined(linux) || defined(__linux) || defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__)
manuallyStopAcquisitionIfNeeded( hDrv );
// remove the displays reference to memory that is about to be freed
mvDispSetImage( pCaptureParameter->pDisp, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
#endif // #ifdef USE_MV_DISPLAY_LIB
// free the last potentially locked request
if( requestNr >= 0 )
DMR_ImageRequestUnlock( hDrv, requestNr );
// clear all queues
if( ( result = DMR_ImageRequestReset( hDrv, 0, 0 ) ) != DMR_NO_ERROR )
printf( "Calling DMR_ImageRequestReset returned an error: %s.\n", DMR_ErrorCodeToString( result ) );
return 0;
void captureLoop( CaptureParameter* pCaptureParams )
#ifdef _WIN32
HANDLE hThread = NULL;
unsigned int threadID = 0;
#endif // #ifdef _WIN32
printf( "Press [ENTER] to end the continuous acquisition.\n" );
s_boTerminated = 0;
#ifdef _WIN32
hThread = ( HANDLE )_beginthreadex( 0, 0, liveLoop, ( LPVOID )( pCaptureParams ), 0, &threadID );
# ifdef __BORLANDC__ // is Borland compiler?
if( getch() == EOF ) // The Borland compiler is not aware of the newer ISO compliant name '_getch' or is it?
printf( "Calling 'getch' did return EOF...\n" );
# else
if( _getch() == EOF ) // This is the newer ISO compliant name of the 'getch' function. Visual Studio will warn if using 'getch'
printf( "Calling '_getch' did return EOF...\n" );
# endif // #ifdef __BORLANDC__ // is Borland compiler?
s_boTerminated = 1;
WaitForSingleObject( hThread, INFINITE );
CloseHandle( hThread );
liveLoop( pCaptureParams );
#endif // #ifdef _WIN32
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
CaptureParameter captureParams;
unsigned int i = 0;
HOBJ hPropFamily = INVALID_ID;
char* pStringBuffer = NULL;
UserSuppliedHeapBuffer* pUserSuppliedBuffer = 0;
int requestNr = INVALID_ID;
int requestUsed = INVALID_ID;
int bufferSize = 0;
RequestResult ReqRes;
ImageBuffer* pIB = 0;
const int REQUEST_TO_USE = 2;
// get rid of warnings
( void )argc;
( void )argv;
// try to initialise the library.
if( ( result = DMR_Init( &hDMR ) ) != DMR_NO_ERROR )
printf( "DMR_Init failed (code: %d)\n", result );
getDeviceFromUserInput( &hDevice, 0, 1 );
if( ( hPropFamily = getDeviceProp( hDevice, "Family" ) ) == INVALID_ID )
printf( "Failed to obtain device family property for device %d.\n", i );
getStringValue( hPropFamily, &pStringBuffer, 0 );
free( pStringBuffer );
pStringBuffer = 0;
// try to initialise this device
if( ( result = DMR_OpenDevice( hDevice, &hDrv ) ) != DMR_NO_ERROR )
printf( "DMR_OpenDevice failed (code: %d)\n", result );
printf( "DMR_Close: %d\n", DMR_Close() );
// create a window to display the captured images
captureParams.hDisp = mvDispWindowCreate( "CaptureToUserMemory sample(plain 'C')" );
captureParams.pDisp = mvDispWindowGetDisplayHandle( captureParams.hDisp );
mvDispWindowShow( captureParams.hDisp );
#endif // #ifdef USE_MV_DISPLAY_LIB
captureParams.hDrv = hDrv;
captureParams.pFirstHeapBuffer = 0;
captureParams.requestCount = 0;
captureParams.ppRequests = 0;
// try to locate the frames per second property
if( ( captureParams.hFramesPerSecond = getStatisticProp( hDrv, "FramesPerSecond" ) ) == INVALID_ID )
printf( "Couldn't locate 'FramesPerSecond' property! Unable to continue!\n" );
if( ( captureParams.hRequestCount = getSystemSettingProp( hDrv, "RequestCount" ) ) == INVALID_ID )
printf( "Couldn't locate 'RequestCount' property! Unable to continue!\n" );
if( ( captureParams.hCaptureBufferAlignment = getInfoProp( hDrv, "CaptureBufferAlignment" ) ) == INVALID_ID )
printf( "Couldn't locate 'CaptureBufferAlignment' property! Unable to continue!\n" );
if( ( captureParams.hRequestControl_Mode = getRequestCtrlProp( hDrv, "Base", "Mode" ) ) == INVALID_ID )
printf( "Couldn't locate request controls 'Mode' property! Unable to continue!\n" );
if( ( captureParams.hRequestControl_RequestToUse = getRequestCtrlProp( hDrv, "Base", "RequestToUse" ) ) == INVALID_ID )
printf( "Couldn't locate request controls 'RequestToUse' property! Unable to continue!\n" );
allocateRequests( &captureParams );
if( captureParams.requestCount <= 0 )
printf( "Couldn't allocate requests! Unable to continue!\n" );
//========= Capture loop into memory managed by the driver (default) ==========
printf( "The device will try to capture continuously into memory automatically allocated be the device driver..\n" );
printf( "This is the default behaviour.\n" );
captureParams.boUserSuppliedMemoryUsed = 0;
captureLoop( &captureParams );
//========= Capture loop into memory managed by the user (advanced) ===========
printf( "The device will now try to capture continuously into user supplied memory.\n" );
captureParams.boUserSuppliedMemoryUsed = 1;
// find out the size of the resulting buffer by requesting a dummy request
setPropI( captureParams.hRequestControl_Mode, ircmTrial, 0 );
DMR_ImageRequestSingle( captureParams.hDrv, 0, 0 );
// waitFor will return as fast as possible. No 'real' image will be taken
// but a request object that contains a dummy image with the format, dimensions
// and other information will be returned, that is (apart from the pixel data)
// similar to any 'real' image that would be captured with the current settings
result = DMR_ImageRequestWaitFor( captureParams.hDrv, -1, 0, &requestNr );
if( result == DMR_NO_ERROR )
// check if the request contains a valid image
result = DMR_GetImageRequestResultEx( hDrv, requestNr, &ReqRes, sizeof( ReqRes ), 0, 0 );
if( ( result == DMR_NO_ERROR ) && ( ReqRes.result == rrOK ) )
// obtain the buffer size needed in the current configuration
bufferSize = getPropI( captureParams.ppRequests[requestNr]->hImageSize_, 0 ) + getPropI( captureParams.ppRequests[requestNr]->hImageFooterSize_, 0 );
/// switch back to 'normal' capture mode
setPropI( captureParams.hRequestControl_Mode, ircmManual, 0 );
// unlock this request to make it usable for the driver again
DMR_ImageRequestUnlock( captureParams.hDrv, requestNr );
result = createCaptureBuffers( &captureParams, bufferSize, getPropI( captureParams.hCaptureBufferAlignment, 0 ) );
if( result != 0 )
printf( "An error occurred while setting up the user supplied buffers(error code: %s).\n", DMR_ErrorCodeToString( result ) );
freeRequests( &captureParams );
printf( "Internal error(Request result: %08x! This should not happen an is a driver fault! Unable to continue.\n", ReqRes.result );
freeRequests( &captureParams );
printf( "Internal error! This should not happen and is a driver fault! Unable to continue.\n" );
freeRequests( &captureParams );
captureLoop( &captureParams );
//========= unregister user supplied buffers again ============================
freeCaptureBuffers( &captureParams );
//========= Capture loop into memory managed by the driver again (default) ====
captureParams.boUserSuppliedMemoryUsed = 0;
printf( "The device will try to capture continuously into memory automatically allocated be the device driver again.\n" );
printf( "This is the default behaviour.\n" );
captureLoop( &captureParams );
//========= Capture into a specific buffer managed by the user (advanced) =====
// by default the driver will decide which request will be used for an acquisition
// requested by the user. However sometimes it can be necessary to make sure that a
// certain request object will be used...
printf( "Now the device will try to capture one frame into a specific user supplied buffer.\n" );
pUserSuppliedBuffer = UserSuppliedHeapBuffer_Alloc( bufferSize, getPropI( captureParams.hCaptureBufferAlignment, 0 ) );
// we want to use request number 'REQUEST_TO_USE' (zero based) for this acquisition thus we have to make sure
// that there are at least 'REQUEST_TO_USE + 1' requests
if( getPropI( captureParams.hRequestCount, 0 ) <= REQUEST_TO_USE )
setPropI( captureParams.hRequestCount, REQUEST_TO_USE + 1, 0 );
allocateRequests( &captureParams );
if( captureParams.requestCount <= 0 )
printf( "Couldn't allocate requests! Unable to continue!\n" );
UserSuppliedHeapBuffer_Free( pUserSuppliedBuffer );
// associate a user supplied buffer with this request
result = DMR_ImageRequestConfigure( captureParams.hDrv, REQUEST_TO_USE, 0, 0 );
if( result != DMR_NO_ERROR )
printf( "An error occurred while setting request number %d in configuration mode: %s.\n", REQUEST_TO_USE, DMR_ErrorCodeToString( result ) );
printf( "Press [ENTER] to end the continuous acquisition.\n" );
freeRequests( &captureParams );
freeCaptureBuffers( &captureParams );
UserSuppliedHeapBuffer_Free( pUserSuppliedBuffer );
if( captureParams.ppRequests[REQUEST_TO_USE] == 0 )
printf( "An error occurred when accessing the request to use" );
freeRequests( &captureParams );
freeCaptureBuffers( &captureParams );
UserSuppliedHeapBuffer_Free( pUserSuppliedBuffer );
setPropI( captureParams.ppRequests[REQUEST_TO_USE]->hImageMemoryMode_, rimmUser, 0 );
setPropP( captureParams.ppRequests[REQUEST_TO_USE]->hImageData_, pUserSuppliedBuffer->pBufAligned_, 0 );
setPropI( captureParams.ppRequests[REQUEST_TO_USE]->hImageSize_, pUserSuppliedBuffer->bufSize_, 0 );
if( ( result = DMR_ImageRequestUnlock( captureParams.hDrv, captureParams.ppRequests[REQUEST_TO_USE]->nr_ ) ) != DMR_NO_ERROR )
printf( "An error occurred while unlocking request number %d: %s.\n", captureParams.ppRequests[REQUEST_TO_USE]->nr_, DMR_ErrorCodeToString( result ) );
freeRequests( &captureParams );
freeCaptureBuffers( &captureParams );
UserSuppliedHeapBuffer_Free( pUserSuppliedBuffer );
// define that 'REQUEST_TO_USE' is used for the next acquisition
setPropI( captureParams.hRequestControl_RequestToUse, REQUEST_TO_USE, 0 );
// and capture the image
requestUsed = INVALID_ID;
result = DMR_ImageRequestSingle( captureParams.hDrv, 0, &requestUsed );
if( result != DMR_NO_ERROR )
printf( "An error occurred while requesting an image for request number %d: (%s).\n", REQUEST_TO_USE, DMR_ErrorCodeToString( result ) );
printf( "Press [ENTER] to end the continuous acquisition.\n" );
freeRequests( &captureParams );
freeCaptureBuffers( &captureParams );
UserSuppliedHeapBuffer_Free( pUserSuppliedBuffer );
if( requestUsed != REQUEST_TO_USE )
printf( "ERROR! An acquisition into buffer %d was requested, but the driver did use %d for this acquisition.\n", REQUEST_TO_USE, requestUsed );
manuallyStartAcquisitionIfNeeded( hDrv );
result = DMR_ImageRequestWaitFor( captureParams.hDrv, -1, 0, &requestNr );
manuallyStopAcquisitionIfNeeded( hDrv );
if( result == DMR_NO_ERROR )
// check if the request contains a valid image
result = DMR_GetImageRequestResultEx( hDrv, requestNr, &ReqRes, sizeof( ReqRes ), 0, 0 );
if( ( result == DMR_NO_ERROR ) && ( ReqRes.result == rrOK ) )
if( ( result = DMR_GetImageRequestBuffer( hDrv, requestNr, &pIB ) ) == DMR_NO_ERROR )
// display the captured image
mvDispSetImageFromImageBuffer( captureParams.pDisp, pIB );
mvDispUpdate( captureParams.pDisp );
printf( "Frame captured into request number %d(%dx%d).\n", requestNr, pIB->iWidth, pIB->iHeight );
#endif // #ifdef USE_MV_DISPLAY_LIB
printf( "DMR_GetImageRequestBuffer: ERROR! Code %d\n", result );
printf( "Acquisition into a specific buffer was not successful. Request result: 0x%08x.\n", ReqRes.result );
printf( "Waiting for a frame captured into a specific buffer failed: %s.\n", DMR_ErrorCodeToString( result ) );
UserSuppliedHeapBuffer_Free( pUserSuppliedBuffer );
mvDispWindowDestroy( captureParams.hDisp );
#endif // #ifdef USE_MV_DISPLAY_LIB
freeRequests( &captureParams );
freeCaptureBuffers( &captureParams );
printf( "DMR_ReleaseImageRequestBufferDesc: %s.\n", DMR_ErrorCodeToString( DMR_ReleaseImageRequestBufferDesc( &pIB ) ) );
printf( "DMR_CloseDevice: %s\n", DMR_ErrorCodeToString( DMR_CloseDevice( hDrv, hDevice ) ) );
printf( "DMR_Close: %s\n", DMR_ErrorCodeToString( DMR_Close() ) );
int iHeight
The height of the image in pixel or lines.
Definition mvImageBuffer.h:98
int iWidth
The width of the image in pixel.
Definition mvImageBuffer.h:100
TRequestResult result
The result of this request.
Definition mvDeviceManager.h:224
Errors reported by the device manager.
Definition mvDriverBaseEnums.h:2601
Defines valid image modes for request objects.
Definition mvDriverBaseEnums.h:4529
The user requested a new image, but no free Request object is available to process this request.
Definition mvDriverBaseEnums.h:2713
@ rimmUser
User supplied memory mode.
Definition mvDriverBaseEnums.h:4547
@ rimmAuto
Automatic mode.
Definition mvDriverBaseEnums.h:4535
@ ircmManual
The standard mode for image requests.
Definition mvDriverBaseEnums.h:3883
@ ircmTrial
In this mode no 'real' image will be captured, but the whole processing chain will be traversed once.
Definition mvDriverBaseEnums.h:3899
Fully describes a captured image.
Definition mvImageBuffer.h:94
Contains status information about the capture process.
Definition mvDeviceManager.h:218
MVDMR_API TDMR_ERROR DMR_CALL DMR_ImageRequestReset(HDRV hDrv, int requestCtrl, int mode)
Deletes all requests currently queued for the specified request control.
Definition mvDeviceManager.cpp:2618
Frees internal data structures and decreases the usage counter for this library.
Definition mvDeviceManager.cpp:1265
MVDMR_API TDMR_ERROR DMR_CALL DMR_ImageRequestUnlock(HDRV hDrv, int requestNr)
Unlocks the request for the driver again.
Definition mvDeviceManager.cpp:2727
MVDMR_API TDMR_ERROR DMR_CALL DMR_ReleaseImageRequestBufferDesc(ImageBuffer **ppBuffer)
frees the memory previously allocated for the specified ImageBuffer structure again.
Definition mvDeviceManager.cpp:4324
Closes a device.
Definition mvDeviceManager.cpp:1585
Initialises the library.
Definition mvDeviceManager.cpp:1137
MVDMR_API const char *DMR_CALL DMR_ErrorCodeToString(int errorCode)
Returns a string representation of a given error code.
Definition mvDeviceManager.cpp:5383
Initialises a device.
Definition mvDeviceManager.cpp:1516
void MV_DISPLAY_API_CALL mvDispWindowDestroy(HDISP hDisp)
Closes a display window and frees allocated memory.
Definition mvDisplayWindow.cpp:315
void MV_DISPLAY_API_CALL mvDispSetImageFromImageBuffer(TDisp *pDisp, const ImageBuffer *pBuf)
Sets the next image to display.
Definition mvDisplayExtensions.cpp:154
const int INVALID_ID
A constant to check for an invalid ID returned from the property handling module.
Definition mvPropHandlingDatatypes.h:62
Receives a property's value as a float value.
Definition ObjectHandling.cpp:2956