Impact Acquire SDK GUI Applications
Changing The Interface Layout To GenICam™ Or DeviceSpecific

The Impact Acquire interface internally uses the GenICam™ runtime libraries, so that it can be considered as an user application written with the GenICam™ interface. This behavior has several advantages:

  • The current version of the Impact Acquire framework is meant to work with every GigE Vision™ and every U3V (USB3 Vision™) compliant device.
  • Developers either can use the generic GenICam™ properties or the Impact Acquire properties.

You can change the property interfaceLayout with ImpactControlCenter to select the preferred interface.

  • When GigE Vision™ and GenICam™ compliant devices from several vendors shall be used in the same application it's recommended to use the "GenICam" interface layout only in order to keep the application code simple.
  • When several different Balluff devices (e.g. a frame grabber, a USB camera and a GigE Vision™ camera) shall be operated by the same application, it's recommended to use the device specific interface for the same reasons.
  • When an application shall be able to work with every Balluff device and every GigE Vision™ and GenICam™ compliant device both approaches make sense however a mixture between the 2 worlds can't be avoided.

To specify the InterfaceLayout for all devices globally, you can do this via the "Action → Default Device Interface Layout" in the menu:

Global selection of the interface layout for all devices

If you want to specify the InterfaceLayout for the used device, you can do this via "Device Properties" in the section "Device → InterfaceLayout":

Selection of the interface layout for this specific device
If a device is opened, but the selected interface layout has been declared deprecated, a message box will show up to make sure that the interface layout has not been changed by accident.
Warning message if an interface layout is selected which has been declared deprecated for the used device
See also