Impact Acquire SDK GUI Applications
DeviceConfigure supports various command-line parameters allowing to control the start-up behavior and the appearance of the application.
The following table lists the available command-line parameters:
Parameter | Description |
custom_genicam_file or cgf | Specifies a custom GenICamâ„¢ file to be used to open devices for firmware updates. This can be useful when the actual XML on the device is damaged/invalid. |
force or f | Forces a firmware update in unattended mode, even if it isn't a newer version. |
fw_file | Specifies a custom name for the firmware file to use. |
fw_path | Specifies a custom path for the firmware files. |
hidden | Will start the application without showing the splash screen or the application window. This might be useful when doing a silent configuration in combination with the 'quit' parameter |
ignore_gev or igev | Disables enumerating devices on all GEV interfaces of the system, for all applications using a Balluff GenTL producer(syntax: 'igev=1' or 'igev=0') |
ignore_pci or ipci | Disables enumerating devices on all PCI/PCIe interfaces of the system, for all applications using a Balluff GenTL producer(syntax: 'ipci=1' or 'ipci=0') |
ignore_u3v or iu3v | Disables enumerating devices on all U3V interfaces of the system, for all applications using a Balluff GenTL producer(syntax: 'iu3v=1' or 'iu3v=0') |
ipv4_mask | Specifies an IPv4 address mask to use as a filter for the selected update operations. Multiple masks can be passed here separated by semicolons. |
log_file='file_name' or lf='file_name' | Specifies a log file storing the content of this text control upon application shutdown. |
quit or q | Ends the application automatically after all updates have been applied. |
select_best_matching_firmware or sbmf | Defines whether to automatically select the best matching firmware file found in the selected firmware package or to present a list of choices to the user if multiple firmware versions have been detected (syntax: 'sbmf=1' or 'sbmf=0'). |
set_userset_persistence or sup | Sets the persistency of UserSet settings during firmware updates (syntax: 'sup=1' or 'sup=0'). |
setid or id | Assigns an integer ID to one or many devices(syntax: 'id=<serial>.<id>' or 'id=<product>.<id>')(available for mvBlueFOX2 devices only). |
update_fw or ufw | Updates the firmware of one or many devices. |
update_fw_file or ufwf | Updates the firmware of one or many devices. Pass a full path to a text file that contains a serial number or a product type per line. |
* | Can be used as a wildcard, devices will be searched by serial number AND by product. The application will first try to locate a device with a serial number matching the specified string and then (if no suitable device is found) a device with a matching product string. |
The number of commands that can be passed to the application is not limited.
When using the update_fw_file
or ufwf
to specify a file containing firmware update information the file needs contain one line per product to update and this line must contain a comma-separated list of arguments where the first argument either has to be the product type OR a serial number. Lines starting either with "//"
or "#"
will be ignored. An example can be seen below:
mvBlueCOUGAR-X102nG // Will update ALL mvBlueCOUGAR-X102nG devices mvBlueCOUGAR-XD104hC // a comment //mvBlueFOX-220C // This line will be ignored since it starts with a comment mvBlueFOX3-2032C, firmwarefile=mvBlueFOX3SpecialFirmware.mvu // will use a custom firmware package to update all devices of type mvBlueFOX3-2032C F0700034 // a certain serial number mvBlueFOX3-1013C, serial=F0700033 // works as well however in that case the 'mvBlueFOX3-1013C' will be ignored then and the device with the serial number F0700033 will be updated even if this is NOT an mvBlueFOX3-1013C mvBlueCOUGAR-X1012bC, serial=GX002233, serial=GX002234 // multiple serial numbers can be passed here #mvBlueFOX3-2205C // This line will be ignored since it starts with a comment
The file will be processed one line after the other. As a result certain combinations of product types and serial numbers might lead to surprising behaviour:
mvBlueFOX3-2032C // ... more content mvBlueFOX3-2032C, serial=F0700033
The second line will effectively replace the initial mvBlueFOX3-2032C entry by a single serial number. So if F0700033 does NOT specify a device of type mvBlueFOX3-2032C no update will be performed at all otherwise the firmware of the device with the serial number F0700033 will be updated.
mvBlueFOX3-2032C, serial=F0700033 // ... more content mvBlueFOX3-2032C
The second line will have no effect here since the first line is the more special one. So if F0700033 does NOT specify a device of type mvBlueFOX3-2032C no update will be performed at all otherwise the firmware of the device with the serial number F0700033 will be updated.
FF003022, firmwarefile=boom.mvu // ... more content mvBlueFOX3-2032aC, serial=FF003022
Above example will result in the device with the serial number FF003022 being updated twice if it actually is a product of type mvBlueFOX3-2032aC. The first time a custom firmware archive will be used while this then will most likely be overwritten by the default firmware archive in the next step.
DeviceConfigure ufw=BF000666
This will update the firmware of a mvBlueFOX with the serial number BF000666.
DeviceConfigure update_fw=BF*
This will update the firmware of ALL mvBlueFOX devices in the current system.
DeviceConfigure update_fw=mvBlueFOX-2* lf=output.txt quit
This will update the firmware of ALL mvBlueFOX-2 devices in the current system, then will store a log file of the executed operations and afterwards will terminate the application.
DeviceConfigure setid=BF000666.5
This will assign the device ID '5' to a mvBlueFOX with the serial number BF000666.
DeviceConfigure ufw=*
This will update the firmware of every device in the system.
DeviceConfigure ufw=BF000666 ufw=BF000667
This will update the firmware of 2 mvBlueFOX cameras.
DeviceConfigure ipv4_mask=169.254.*;192.168.100* update_fw=GX*
This will update the firmware of all mvBlueCOUGAR-X devices with a valid IPv4 address that starts with '169.254.' or '192.168.100.'.
after the application is running will also display a detailed list of available command-line options as well as keyboard shortcuts and some other useful information!