Impact Acquire SDK .NET
Iterate Over A Tree Of Features

It's also possible to iterate over all the features offered by a device or a subtree of this. To see how this is done please have a look at the description of the class mv.impact.acquire.Component.

To access e.g. the device information related features, the locator instance must be initialised in a different way:

Device pDev = getTheDevicePointerFromSomewhere();
mv.impact.acquire.DeviceComponentLocator locator = new mv.impact.acquire.DeviceComponentLocator(pDev, dltInfo, "DeviceInformation");
PropertyS deviceVersion = new mv.impact.acquire.PropertyS();
locator.bindComponent( deviceVersion, "DeviceVersion" );
// now the property is ready to use when available:
Console.WriteLine({0}: {1}",,;
// oops... The feature is not offered by this device
A class to locate components within the driver.
Definition DeviceComponentLocator.cs:74
A class to represent string properties.
Definition PropertyS.cs:10
This namespace contains classes and functions belonging to the image acquisition module of this SDK.
Definition Enumerations.cs:2
Definition Enumerations.cs:2
Definition Enumerations.cs:2