Impact Acquire SDK C
Migrating Applications To Impact Acquire 3.0.0 And Higher
With major release 3.0.0 major changes have been applied to this SDK that might require existing applications to be modified as well.

Changes in Impact Acquire (previously known as mvIMPACT Acquire) known to have a potential impact on existing applications are listed below. If any of the following items is involved in the user application using mvIMPACT Acquire, please adapt it accordingly when migrating to Impact Acquire 3.0.0 or higher.

General Changes

Item Previously in mvIMPACT Acquire Currently in Impact Acquire Comments
GUI application name wxPropView ImpactControlCenter
GUI application name mvDeviceConfigure DeviceConfigure A link pretending the existence of the previous application name will be provided for some time but scripts calling the previous name should be adjusted.
GUI application name mvIPConfigure IPConfigure
GUI application name mvGigEConfigure GigEConfigure
Vendor name reported by various GetInfo functions on GenTL Producer libraries (e.g. GCGetInfo(..., TL_INFO_VENDOR, ...), GCGetPortInfo(..., PORT_INFO_VENDOR, ...)) MATRIX VISION Balluff Applications relying on these strings must be changed!
Device vendor name (e.g. DevGetInfo(..., DEVICE_INFO_VENDOR, ...) ) (depending on the Firmware version, not the SDK version) MATRIX VISION GmbH Balluff GmbH or MATRIX VISION GmbH (depending on the device family)
mvIMPACT::acquire::Device::manufacturer (depending on the Firmware version, not the SDK version)
  • Because of the changes applied to various environment variables (see below) it is not possible to install 2.x and 3.x versions of this SDK side-by-side without some manual work. Because of that a 3.x or higher installation packages will detect the presence of packages smaller than 3.0.0 and if detected will terminate with an error. If this is really needed get in touch and state detailed reasons!
  • The name and content of the CMake support file mvIMPACT_AcquireConfig.cmake stays the same for compatibility reasons! Changing this would be possible but would force everyone using it to apply slight adjustments to their build environment.
  • The name and content of the RSS/update related feeds stays the same for compatibility reasons! This would result in older installations no longer being able to detect updates!
  • Detailed information regarding the changes applied to the API can be found here: Porting Existing Code Written With Versions Smaller Than 3.0.0


Item Previously in mvIMPACT Acquire Currently in Impact Acquire Comments
Default installation path %ProgramFiles%/MATRIX VISION/mvIMPACT Acquire %ProgramFiles%/Balluff/ImpactAcquire
Default value of the environment variable MVIMPACT_ACQUIRE_DIR %ProgramFiles%/MATRIX VISION/mvIMPACT Acquire %ProgramFiles%/Balluff/ImpactAcquire
Default value of the environment variable MVIMPACT_ACQUIRE_DATA_DIR %PUBLIC%/Documents/MATRIX VISION/mvIMPACT Acquire %PUBLIC%/Documents/Balluff/ImpactAcquire Please consider using the environment variable MVIMPACT_ACQUIRE_DATA_DIR! Otherwise the path must be adjusted manually.
The location of various Registry Keys containing settings stored by GUI tools using a new name HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\<NameOfTheTool> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\<NameOfTheTool> When starting the GUI tools with the new name, settings stored with the previous versions of the tools will not be applied.


Item Previously in mvIMPACT Acquire Currently in Impact Acquire Comments
Default installation path /opt/mvIMPACT_Acquire/ /opt/ImpactAcquire/
Default value of the environment variable MVIMPACT_ACQUIRE_DIR /opt/mvIMPACT_Acquire/ /opt/ImpactAcquire/
Default value of the environment variable MVIMPACT_ACQUIRE_DATA_DIR /opt/mvIMPACT_Acquire/data /opt/ImpactAcquire/data
The location of various files containing settings stored by GUI tools using a new name /home/<user>/<NameOfTheTool> /home/<user>/<NameOfTheTool> Previous settings of tools with older names will not be found and therefore an application will start up with its default settings, for instance, a previously disabled QSW will run again.
Pseudo file generated by the BVS CA-BN (mvBlueNAOS) kernel module and used to reboot the camera /sys/kernel/matrix-vision /sys/kernel/balluff The kernel module will not be built and installed depending on the design flavour because this might result in two software stacks being installed and responsible for the same hardware. Instead, it will always create /sys/kernel/balluff but the producer checks both locations. It will try the old directory only if it finds nothing in the new one.